Monday, June 05, 2006

That's a Shame

Am I the only one that felt like I was watching some late night Cinemax during the season finale of The Sopranos last night? It was like they tried to fit all the sex that they used to fill the episodes with, and had toned down on this season, into one episode.

It's not that I mind watching Julianna Margulies walk around in her underwear or anything, it's just that's not really what I was looking for from this episode. You would think in a finale something would actually happen. Instead all I got was answers to nothing and no new questions either.

Overall I am pretty disappointed in this new season. It started off pretty good with Uncle Junior shooting Tony, but then everything else was downhill. It's kinda just left a sour taste in my mouth when this show used to excite me. Now I'll watch the final 8 episodes next year, but not really cuz I have to, but because I feel like I have to. To borrow a poker phrase, I'm pot committed to this show. Too many of my chips are in the pot for me to fold.

I went to a bachelor party on Saturday night with Silvio. It was for his soon to be brother in law, Joe.

I won't go into detail about what went on during this bachelor party, but I had a good time.

At the end of the night when we were at some bar in Bartlett, I can't recall the name(No idea why.),but I do remember something I read on the men's room wall that made me laugh.

In your usual men's room fare somebody wrote

I banged your mother.
Nothing new, but what was written underneath it would have made me pee my pants if I wasn't already peeing.

Go home Dad. You're drunk.

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1 comment:

t said...

LOL when it was over Joe says "MY GAWD nobody got whacked AGAIN?!?" I had to remind him of all the whacking during the season.

Your standards are just too high.