Friday, August 04, 2006

Three Ideas for Your Weekend

Need something to do this weekend? I don't. I have to work, so I win.

Anyway,back to you, here are a few things for you to do.

If you're in Chicago and have time and $130 to spare, why not go to
Lollapalooza? The three day fest starts today and has like over 130 bands. Some of which are the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Wilco, Violent Femmes, Gnarls Barkley, fuck a ton of em. Just check the link and find out more. There's schedules, maps and even tips on how to use the bathroom.

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If you look closely, you can see me. I'm the sexy guy on the right.

I went to the fest last year just to see Weezer, but there were still a ton of good bands there. This year it's like a billion times bigger. The 45,000 half naked women are nice too. It reminds me of The Leemer's basement, the only difference is the girls at Lollapalooza are there willingly.

If you want to escape the heat, you can always go to a movie.
Talladega Nights opens today. It's got Will Ferrell in it so it's pry gonna have some funny in it. It's probably got a whole lot of stupid in it too.

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Of course if neither of those suit ya, go to the airport and take the next plane to London!


Masturbate-a-thon 2006 of course.

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What's more fun than masturbating alone in your dark room? Doing it in public with thousands of others!! Share your talent with the world.

Other than that, I ain't got shit to talk about. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. I wouldn't expect another post here before Monday, but you never know. I may get inspired.

Keepin It Real Since 1980,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my favorite things about the masturbatathon article:

1) the 10% discount to women;

2) the apparently unironic headline outlining participation requirements for the live event: "Who Can Come?"